People of India
Giving Christmas gifts to the elderly
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or a cheque to:
The Elizabeth-Ann Charity c/o 4 Kingsfield Close,
Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1AW
Thank you - UK Charity No. 1113374
Medical Help being offered
Medical Help being offered

Medical Help

For some years we have been providing support for a doctor to visit the village every 10 days at a cost of £36/m. Before this the villagers had to see the doctor in the town Chirala, 5 kms away.
The doctor can write prescriptions that can be collected and paid for within the town. He can refer villagers to the local hospitals.
A very few inhabitants of other villagers attend by agreement. The doctor records each patient in his notebook typically he sees around 60 patients at each visit. Children under 10 are taken to the local hospital. Generally it appears that there is good availability of Government and Private hospital care in Chirala– both charge. BCG injections are provided free. Hep B is available at £10. Polio – the government use teachers to visit villages regularly to provide vaccines to young children.
The surgery is now run out of The Elizabeth-Ann Home.

HIV help
We are supporting 5 villagers who have asked for help. There are probably a further 5 who have not asked. Vinay, the Project Director, asks for medical proof they have been diagnosed and the stage which the disease has reached. They are helped to buy medicines and to travel to collect them.